Early Years Nutrition

Working in Early Years Settings is a really rewarding experience and never more so than when you’re helping managers and practitioners to plan and provide a robust health environment in which children can learn and thrive.

Purely Nutrition can help with:

  • Auditing your current health promoting policies and procedures, and developing an action plan for improvement in your Early Years Setting.
  • Advising on healthier menu design, and analysis of menus, in line with Eat better, start better. Voluntary food and drink guidelines for Early Years Settings in England.
  • Delivering hands-on practical food preparation sessions to preschool children.
  • Advising on specialist interventions for fussy and picky eaters; particularly in relation to improving fruit and vegetable consumption in preschool children.
  • Working with parents.

Whether you’re a manager, practitioner or parent if you would like further information or an informal chat please call 01423 858123 and talk to a member of the team. Or you can email [email protected]

Jennie Cockroft - Nutritionist

Get Nutritional Advice

Get in touch for health and nutritional advice with our nutrionist Dr Jennie Cockroft.

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